
Empowering and Giving Voice to Non Profits in a Web and Data Centric World

Long-time Cleveland GiveCamp supporter, Kevin Goodman, has blogged about us in his post, Empowering and Giving Voice to Non Profits in a Web and Data Centric World. Kevin writes,

“Two of my criterions for contributing time, talent and treasure, both personally and professionally, to a nonprofit and a mission is will the effort give voice and can the contribution move the needle? GiveCamp is one such effort that does just that. In a web and data centric world websites and online presence can indeed provide a voice and allow the mission to drive its message to those who need it most.”

He then goes on to describe the event and highlights several of the non-profit and volunteer participants. Kevin’s firm, BlueBridge Networks is a long-time sponsor of the event. Read his full post, Empowering and Giving Voice to Non Profits in a Web and Data Centric World to learn more about why he advocates for Cleveland GiveCamp.